Monday, February 22, 2010

Where were you when that happened??

With Spring Training just 9 days away I wanna ask you Tiger fans whats your most memorable Tigers moment? Mine would have to be when Granderson robbed Wily Mo Pena of that HR. I coulda went i several directions with this, but as long as I live I will always remember the Highlight reel he put together for us, you will be missed Grandy and hope the best for ya over in New York just as long as that doesnt come back to bite us in the ass in the playoffs.

1 comment:

  1. OK, my moment was when I was at the stadium in 2006 when we put the beatdown on the Yankees and sent them packin from the playoffs. It was amazing! The feeling in the air was incredible and being with my girl and our friends ... hell, we were all huggin and screamin (then I tore my rotator cuff afterwards ... really), it was just incredible!

    It is hard to come up with 1 ... runners up:
    2006 - beatin the A's to advance to the World Series
    1984 - In the living room with my Dad when we won the WS
    shoot, I could list a million more
